Software Engineer

& Community Builder

<aside> 🔥 Latest note: When death is denied



Han works as mediocre programmer, tech entrepreneur and angel investor. Currently, he is the CEO at Dwarves LLC.



Since 2013, with a strong belief in pay-it-forward attitude, Han helps found and involved in the daily activities of multiple community projects. His passion lies in the development of next-generation programmers and makers.



Founded in 2015, Dwarves (Foundation) is a technology firm that focuses on tech R&D.

Dwarves and their partners help companies build & ship top-notch software, provide staffing services and invest in people that build next favorite things.

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📖 Notes

🧠 Second brain

🕰 Timeline


🆃 Turing Alley

🆂 Superbits

🅼 Maker Fund

🅳 Dwarves Foundation


🆂 Startup Vietnam Partner

🆃 Techie Story Publisher

🅺 Kipacast Publisher

🆆 WeBuild Admin

🅶 Golang Vietnam Admin

Dark Mode

cmd/ctrl + shift + L $\small\textit{\textcolor{white} {Look at you go!}}$



Last updated: Jun 2021